Questions About Family or Cosmetic Dentistry?
We believe in creating a relationship with our patients that goes beyond the office doors. We've specially created this section of our site to share with you some blogs posts that out family denristry in Rochester MN thought you would find interesting and enjoy. Every month we post a new blog to help our patients have the healthiest teeth possible. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (507) 258-4333.
It is extremely important to take care of your child’s teeth—especially when they are younger. Without proper care, children can develop cavities and more severe oral problems later on. Follow these tips from Enter Practice/Doctor Name to ensure your child has a strong, healthy smile!
Feed your children with foods high in Vitamin D and calcium; this will help to build strong and durable teeth. To clean the teeth, use a toothpaste that contains fluoride; however, be careful not to use too many fluoride products for this can damage their teeth. Clean their teeth at least twice daily with a small brush (pea-sized), and be sure to use a soft-bristle toothbrush! It is important to clean their teeth twice daily at the same time each day; this will instill a routine as they grow. Try to keep your child’s head still while you brush in a repetitive circular motion. Keep brushing fun for your child and switch up the flavors! You can even get different colored toothpaste to give them something to look forward to when brushing.
Another important step for strong, healthy teeth in your child is to avoid juice. Juices tend to be high in sugar, and it is important not to give a child a sugary treat before putting them to bed. The sugar will sit on their teeth overnight and speed up the tooth decaying process. It is okay for young children to have a small amount of juice, but keep it limited and give it to them during the daytime.
Be knowledgeable about any medications prescribed for your child. At young ages, children are typically given medicine that is high in sugar. These medications are extremely bad for the teeth and contribute to tooth decay. Check with Dr. Karen Buttar if you are unsure about a prescribed medication.
Teeth enable us to talk, eat, and perform many other vital life functions. If you are concerned with yours or your child’s teeth, contact Dr. Karen Buttar at (507) 258-4333 or click here to schedule an appointment.
Westchester NY Dentist Educated Patients on the Parts of the Tooth
We all know the many different functions that our teeth and gums have, however, many of us don’t know the different parts of the tooth and their functions.
The exterior of the tooth consists of the crown. This is what we see when we look at teeth, the upper top part of the tooth. The crown is encased with a thin shell-like material known as enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance in the bottom, and it helps to protect our teeth from being damaged. What most people don’t realize, however, is that there is much more to the mouth and teeth! The root of our tooth is the part that is implanted into the gums. Although this part may not be exposed like the crown, it too can develop cavities and other oral issues if not taken care of properly. The outer layer of the root, known as the Cementum, binds the root to the bone and forms the socket of the tooth.
So, What is the inside of the tooth made of?
Inside our tooth is a material known as Dentin. Dentin is softer than enamel, however, it is more hard and durable than a typical bone. The dentin surrounds the inner tooth core, which is typically known as the pulp canal or root canal. This area is where nerve ending and blood vessels sensitive and nourish the root.
Understanding teeth and how they work is extremely important, however, nothing is more important than understanding the proper and best ways for caring for your teeth. If you want to keep your natural teeth for years to come, it is important to maintain the best oral hygiene possible.
What happens if I don’t take care of my teeth properly?
If teeth are not treated for properly, they can develop cavities, tooth decay, and other severe oral health issues. If left untreated, these can result in the requirement that the tooth (or teeth) be extracted. This may mean needing expensive dental treatment or possibly even dentures!
To keep your teeth healthy, strong, and beautiful be sure to brush twice a day, floss AT LEAST once a day, and visit your dentist in Rochester MN, Dr. Buttar, twice or more throughout the year. This is the best way that you can avoid needing dentures or false teeth. Your teeth are good to you, so be good to them; keep them clean, health, and strong! Call (507) 258-4333 or click here to schedule your appointment!
Visit http://bit.ly/1par6BD to learn more about your teeth.
Rochester MN Dentist Advises Patients on Toothaches
Everyone gets a toothache at some point or another, and your Rochester MD dentist wants to be sure that you understand what is causing your toothache. Toothaches are not always caused by the same thing; however, the most common cause is cavities. If you have a toothache, it is important to see your dentist in Rochester MN as soon as possible!
Many people often avoid the dentist, even if they have a toothache! If you have a toothache and it subsides after a short time period, it is still crucial that you visit Dr. Karen Buttar. Teeth can ache for many different reasons. Usually if you have a dental cavity or decay, the first sign is feeling pain when you eat something sweet, very hot, or very cold.
What are the symptoms of a toothache?
Symptoms of a toothache vary depending on the issue. If you have an abscessed tooth, the first symptom you notice may be pus near the source of the pain. An abscessed tooth occurs when the bone surrounding the teeth is infected. It is extremely important to see you dentist straight away if you think you may have an abscessed tooth.
Pain and pus can also be a sign that you have gum disease. Gum disease typically causes inflammation of the gums, and they often bleed after flossing and brushing. Certain symptoms, especially when occurring together, can be a sign that there is something extremely wrong with your oral mouth.
Visit our Rochester MN Family Dentist if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Difficulty Breathing or Swallowing
- Swelling Around the Area of a Tooth
- Pain when you Bite
- A Foul-Tasting Discharge
Don’t hesitate to visit your dentist if you think you may have a problem. If you wait to visit Dr. Buttar, your condition can quickly worsen. If you do have a toothache and cannot see your dentist right away, there are a few things you can do:
First, try to schedule an emergency appointment. If you are not able to do so, there are some self-care remedies that can temporarily alleviate the pain:
- Rinse with Warm Salt Water
- Gently Floss to Dislodge Trapped Particles
- Take an Over-the-Counter Pain Reliever
- Apply a cold Compress if there has been Trauma to the Tooth
These may help to temporarily relieve the pain, but regardless you should pay a visit to your Rochester MN Family Dentist as soon as possible! By visiting your Rochester MN Dentist, they can complete an oral exam to determine the location and cause of the toothache.
If you have a toothache, be sure to call (507) 258-4333 to schedule an appointment today. Be sure to mention if you think it may be a dental emergency!